

We'd love to have you as a member of the OVTA.
To proceed with your 2025 membership registration / renewal, please choose the quantity of registrations, click Buy Now and proceed to check out.

If you are new or have updated information, proceed to filling in the form below. Once complete, be sure to click submit. Continue doing so for each member that is new or has updated information. After all registrant information has been submitted, proceed to checkout following the cart button on your browser.

PLEASE NOTE: We have now implemented early bird pricing when you join / renew prior to our Winter Conference. This year, the rate will increase from $140.00 to $160.00 on January 21, 2025.


NOTE: If you are registering more than one member, while adding to cart, adjust the quantity to reflect the number of members registered. Be sure to indicate above, which registrants you are paying for. If needed, be sure to fill out the form and add to cart, separately, for each registration that is new or has updated information. )