

Supporting and funding research to aid in the development
and knowledge of the turfgrass industry.


The OVTRF was organized to promote turfgrass research concentrated on local concerns. The following guidelines were established in November 1993 by the OVTRF committee in conjunction with the OVTA board and are the guidelines under which the OVTRF may operate


The OVTRF consists of a minimum of five members selected according to the following criteria:

(i) Two of the members of the OVTRF must be current members of the OVTA Board of directors. One of these will be a current Vice President of the OVTA whose membership on the OVTRF will carry a six year term, after which the upcoming Vice President will assume the position. The other member will be mutually chosen by the OVTA / OVTRF Board of Directors.

(ii) Other members of the OVTRF committee are to be current members of the OVTA. These positions require mutual OVTA/OVTRF board approval. Total numbers of committee members will be at the discretion of the OVTRF committee.


1) The OVTA will donate 75% of the net revenues earned from the current OVTRF Tournament to the OVTRF committee.

The OVTRF may spend up to fifty percent of these revenues as well as half of the interest for the current year that accumulates on the existing OVTRF Fund. These funds may be used by the OVTRF without a vote by the OVTA Board of Directors.

2) Any expenditures in excess of funds outlined above must be presented by the OVTRF in a proposal to the OVTA Board for approval by vote. Each member of the OVTA Board will have one vote and a tie vote may be decided by the President of the OVTA.

3) No one OVTA Board member can terminate an ongoing project of the OVTRF Report Process.

The OVTRF Committee will have interaction with the OVTA board yearly. There must be at least one OVTRF meeting per year, which include the representatives from the OVTA.


Eric Ruhs

Ottawa Hunt & Golf Club

Joel Trickey

Carleton Golf & Yacht Club

Bill Hudson

Mississippi Golf Course

Craig Stanley

Stonebridge Golf Club

Todd Russell

Mountainview Turfgrass Specialists